Page 9 - The Giant Awakens - A Collection of Insights into Chinese Government Influence in Australia
P. 9
Resist Infiltration and
Safeguard Australian Values

CHONGYI FENG The following is a translated should we be tolerating those These associations fall over benefits such as free land and tax
extract from Professor Chongyi who violate human rights? If each other trying to present benefits. Later, the USA, Europe
The core values Feng’s speech at the Resisting we believe that democracy and themselves to the Chinese and Australia also moved their
we defend Chinese Communist Party freedom are righteous universal Consulates for favours, including manufacturing industries to
are universal Influence Forum held in Sydney values, should we be tolerating the three associations mentioned China.
values, including on 15 July 2017 organised by the autocracy, class differentiation by former Chinese diplomat
democracy, Embracing Australian Values and special privileges (enjoyed Chen Yonglin: Australia Council When I first came to
freedom, rule of Alliance. by Chinese Communist Party for the Promotion of Peaceful Australia, there were still many
law, equality and high-ranking officials)? Reunification of China, NSW local garment factories, plastic
dignity, all of which After the establishment Council for the Promotion manufacturers etc., but later
play a foundational of the Embracing I see Chinese people, arriving of Peaceful Reunification of they all disappeared, with most
role for modern Aust ra li an Va lues in Australia after overcoming China and Sydney Council of them moving to China or
civilisation. Alliance (EAVA), the question numerous difficulties, still living for the Promotion of Peaceful Vietnam.
arises as to what are Australian in the shadow of autocratic Reunification of China. If
Values and how they are defined. ideology. Whilst enjoying one becomes the president, When Western manufacturing
The core values we defend are freedom here, they are also deputy president or member industries moved to China,
universal values, including benefiting from the economic of a council, he would be vested interest groups united
democracy, freedom, rule of law, growth in China, filling their acknowledged by the Chinese with the Chinese Communist
equality and dignity, all of which pockets with money. Many feel Consulate. Despite some Party regime to create a “myth":
play a foundational role for proud to share in the glory of overseas Chinese community Neither Australia nor Japan,
modern civilisation. the Party. Can they even discern leaders holding the same views nor the Western world can do
the difference between China as the Chinese Communist without China.
Since the Cold War period and the Chinese Communist Party, many more behave this
in the 50s, the Chinese Party? Meanwhile, those who way for self-interest. In fact, the 50s through to
Communist Party has exported are calling for freedom for the 70s was a golden period
its “revolution” and autocratic the Chinese people have been In our China political studies for the Western world, with
ideology to countries such as ostracised by the Chinese and research, we found the steady developments in all
Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and community here. Chinese Communist Party areas, including medicine
Indonesia. By the end of the regime to be a very peculiar and education. The Chinese
80s, we saw the collapse of the There is a huge difference monster. If we follow the Communist Party regime had
communist bloc as a world in attitudes from when I first communist regimes during never participated in the world
system. came to Australia – there were the Cold War period which I market at that time. How could
large numbers of diaspora mentioned earlier, their first it be then, that no one could do
However, there are still a number in the Chinese community slogan would be to eliminate well without China?
of remaining Communist states who participated in pro- capitalism. But now, the entire
today, including China, North democracy activities. These Chinese Communist Party Why do we need to pay
Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba. people were treasured by regime is parasitic on capitalism attention to Australian values
The Chinese Communist Party universities, appointing them and cannot keep away from it. (universal values) in this day and
is the leader of all communist as heads of departments or China has combined communist age? Because the existence of
autocratic regimes. They stop at involving them in various ideology with the worst our humanity has a foundation
nothing to expand their frontiers social activities. However, with capitalism in the 19th Century based on values, without which
and create an environment in the creeping influence of the and, as a result, the Chinese we would not be humans.
which communist autocratic Chinese Communist Party, Communist Party is destroying
regimes can survive. In Australia, these diaspora have gradually the environment without Some local Australians and
apart from buying off politicians, been marginalised in the last ten restraint and try to make money the younger generations have
the Chinese Communist Party years and considered as negative at any cost; they do not have grown up in a privileged society
has exerted enormous influence assets, as institutions worry that to care about extremely poor where freedom and democracy
on Chinese communities. They their dealings with China will be working conditions and are able are readily available to them
have taken control of Chinese adversely impacted. to keep the wages very low while from birth; therefore they do not
community organizations, disallowing any dialogue with value these as much, with some
Chinese newspapers, as well as a In the Chinese community, workers’ unions. Of course these even being critical of having
number of politicians, scholars the initial establishment of unions are also controlled by the a democratic government.
and people in the arts sector, so community and townsman Chinese Communist Party. They Together with our politicians, if
that they can form an extensive associations were to help fellow have used this method to create we do not face up to the Chinese
united front to defend the or senior Chinese people so-called efficiency and high Communist Party regime and
ideology exported overseas by through various difficulties. profits. recognise their denial of human
the Chinese communist regime. Responsible to the members, rights and suppression of the
The aim is to gradually change they worked together and The entire Western world people, we will gradually forget
Australia’s culture and politics, helped each other. However, has been dragged into the these precious values. We would
and to create an environment for gradually these organisations Chinese Communist Party’s be walking a very dangerous
the Chinese Communist Party’s have become running dogs of game. In the 80s, only a number path if consideration were only
expansion of influence. the Chinese Consulate, and their of surrounding regions or given to financial benefits, and
associations have also become countries, such as Hong Kong, that is why it is very important
In theory, Australia is a multi- an extension of the Chinese Taiwan and Japan, moved for us to establish Embracing
cultural society, but we must communist regime. The target of their manufacturing industry Australian Values Alliance.
not fall into the trap of cultural their services is no longer their to China, because labour was
relativism or moral relativism. fellow Chinese or senior people, cheap and they were offered Chongyi Feng is an associate
If we uphold human rights, but the Chinese Consulate. professor in China Studies at the
University of Technology Sydney.
The Giant Awakens: Chinese Government Influence in Australia
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